Hotel Barter Network
Enjoy the Perks of Trade and Save Big!
Turn would-be empty hotel rooms or restaurant seats in Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest into supplemental income. 100% occupancy, while ideal, is nearly impossible all day, every day for these businesses. Fixed expenses (food, service, utilities) will be paid for whether they are utilized or not, so why not turn a potential missed opportunity into concrete revenue? Let Barter Saves Cash help you navigate your way through the barter business. No one has more experience in the trade network industry than our Raleigh, Cary and Durham team!
Many service-oriented businesses participate, so many types of maintenance can be done on ITEX:
- Pressure washing & pest control
- Landscaping & tree trimming
- Electrical & Plumbing
- Locksmiths, Janitorial Services, and more!